Let’s Hold Off On the Pussy Grabbing for a Couple More Days People


In an incident that echoes Donald Trump’s “pussy-grabbing” controversy, a Republican politician has been arrested and charged with sexual assault after an altercation with a woman ended with him grabbing her crotch.

Christopher von Keyserling, a 71-year-old member of the Representative Town Meeting in Connecticut (a form of local government), is accused of insulting and then assaulting a staffer during a disagreement over none other than Donald Trump himself.

According to local media, the arrest warrant alleged von Keyserling responded to the woman’s comment that it’s “a new world politically” by telling her “I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct.”

The conversation descended into name-calling, and von Keyserling followed the woman into her office where he allegedly reached between her legs and “pinched her groin area”.

I’m sure the Libtards will be making a BFD about this minor incident ,and blaming it on President Trump, like he was there urging Mr. von Keyserling on and telling him where to grab this old biddy.  Well I’m about 110% sure our president wasnt their ,so you can’t blame this on him ,but the lamestream media will anyway.  Plus, Trump was very clear that he gets away with grabbing ’em by the pussy because “I’m a star.”  If you aren’t a star, then you aren’t going to get away with it, at least not until Trump abolishes all of Obama’s socialist regulations next week.

Secondhand, like in every sexual assault and wife beating case, there’s two sides to the story.  We havent heard this old feller’s report yet ,so lets not be too quick to rush to judgment.  Lets hear the guy out people.  Maybe that old bat was asking for it, or was a known hooer, or had abortions.  Lets get the full story before ruining this poor guy’s career.

Cue the music.

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